Here are some of the best Shoppers Food deals for the week of 12/15/11-12/21/11. I focus on the Northern Virginia ads. Please check your local ad before shopping. I also try and focus my coupon match-ups using the Washington Post and other Washington Area regional insert coupons.
SHOPPERS will double the value of valid manufacturers’ coupons with a face-value of up to 99¢
Shoppers stores in the Washington, DC metro will double valid manufacturers’ coupons with a face-value up to $0.99 everyday, with a limit of 4 identical coupons that can be doubled in one transaction. Shoppers will accept valid internet manufacturers’ coupons with a face-value of up to $7.01. For more info, click HERE.
I will update later with some more match-ups. Life has been pretty busy in my household as I try and keep up with the blog and my other responsibilities. Feel free to email at redberrydeals (at) gmail (dot) com or leave me a comment here with some deals you find at Shoppers this week. I’d love the help and thanks to everyone for supporting Redberrydeals.
Don’t forget to look for this week’s Facebook coupon for FREE items with a $25 purchase. Click HERE for more information.
80% Lean Ground Beef $2.89
Del Monte Canned Tomatoes 10 for $10 or $1.00 each
McCormick Chili Seasoning Mix 10 for $10 or $1.00 each
Starbucks Frap 4 Pack $5.19
Sobe Life Water 10 for $10 or $1.00 each