SHOPPERS deals & coupon matchups for 10/20/2011-10/26/2011
Here are some of the best Shoppers deals for the week of 10/20/2011-10/26/2011. I'm focusing on the Northern Virginia ads. Please check your local ad before shopping. I try and focus my coupon match-ups using the Washington Post and other Washington Area regional insert coupons. For more info, click HERE. Shoppers stores in the Washington, DC metro will double valid manufacturers' coupons with a face-value up to $0.99 everyday, with a limit of 4 identical coupons that can be doubled in one transaction. Shoppers will accept valid internet manufacturers' coupons with a face-value of up to $7.01. For more info, click HERE. This week there are some pretty good deals to take advantage of and don't forget to combine it with the coupon this weekend for the FREE salad and…