SHOPPERS Food deals & coupon matchups for 12/15/2011-12/21/2011
Here are some of the best Shoppers Food deals for the week of 12/15/11-12/21/11. I focus on the Northern Virginia ads. Please check your local ad before shopping. I also try and focus my coupon match-ups using the Washington Post and other Washington Area regional insert coupons. SHOPPERS will double the value of valid manufacturers’ coupons with a face-value of up to 99¢ Shoppers stores in the Washington, DC metro will double valid manufacturers’ coupons with a face-value up to $0.99 everyday, with a limit of 4 identical coupons that can be doubled in one transaction. Shoppers will accept valid internet manufacturers’ coupons with a face-value of up to $7.01. For more info, click HERE. I will update later with some more match-ups. Life has been pretty busy in…